Saturday, 15 December 2012


Drifting afloat
In the blackest nitesky
Falling into the deep
Drowning in an icy pool
I begin to weep.
Lonely and blue
Fragile ice
Tears roll as
I think of you.
Breakable flesh
Thinner than thin
Uncomfortable inside
My once thick skin.
Behind a waterfall
I hid my heart
Not to be touch
Cold as rock
Dead, so old.
Something inside me dies
I sit by the window of your soul
You do not see me
I remain still.
Mountains fall
My wonder crumbles
Dreams disturbed
Not before
I awake to see
Do not belong
To me.

Medusa  c 2012

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


My blessings are immeasurable
I sit in silence
and reflect on my life.
Encircled by such beauty and light
I hold gratitude for food provided
and the shelter that houses my soul.
Inside this space, there is comfort and warmth
I feel contented and protected.
I hold this immense love inside
Love that shines outwardly
To those around me, some
whom I invite into my life,
and others,  whom I now cautiously avoid.
I hold huge affection for those who,
in the past, have demonstrated
a sense of non-judgemental understanding,
and who offered me a chance.
I carry compassion and kindness
for anyone who crosses my path.
On my journey
into recover
My beautiful existence
Today, I feel alive
I experience joyous and peaceful bliss.

Yet, I am humbled by those individuals
who still struggle to come to terms
with their painful past.
The hell that they have had to endure,
The nightmare they will still experience in whilst in addiction.
Inspired by their resilience and inner strength
In a world so full of suffering.
And all I can offer is this message
That regardless of your plight
I hear you
I see you.
And there is always hope,
there is purposefulness,
there is a wondrous life!
One day, I hope that you too
will give yourself a chance
and step into the light.
Abandon your self-destructiveness
and walk the road into recovery.
Because I am worth it,
And you are worth it too.
Accompany those of us
who travel this journey
into recovery
Where life is simple,
and you are free.

MedusaMoon © 2012

Thursday, 12 July 2012


A spark beneath
the darkness,
my hopelessness
a glimmer.
The start
of hope, new beginnings
future, past and closure of
what’s left behind,
a mask
who I used to be.
My flame was dim
barely visible
yet, someone saw it
small and low
they blew onto my spark
all possibility
and now I see my disregarded soul.
Hope was there today
if only for today
it is the start
the road I choose to travel.
I am not alone
I have the very part of me
I hide it well
empty and so distant.
Full of shame
guilt ridden to the core
yet on this day
I found acceptance.
Forgiveness came
if only for a moment
it is a start
of what may be foreseen.
Just for today
I felt I had a reason
to be alive
and not only existing.
I seek out truth
so I can find my reason
purpose to be
more than
who I am!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Butterflies and Moonbeams.

In the dark
Waiting for the end.
My time
Spent concealed
In my cocoon of despair.
Wanting to feel
The sun
Upon my translucent skin.
Brightest colours
Big and bold
One day, I’ll begin.
Every caterpillar
Has a chance
To be the butterfly.
So I’m told
Therefore I wait
In coldest days
Till I shall fly.
Until my wings
Of gold unfold
I dream of moonbeams in the sky.
The ugly caterpillar
I may be
Until my cast does break.
Then I will shine
Yes, I shall be
The butterfly, awake!
The end!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Half Moon.

Engraved on my soul
memories of you
Dreaming, drifting
I wondering past
the house
where we once lived.
Where home fires burnt
yet, now I see
another flame
does glow.
At a glance
into a window
another face
not mine.
Living in another time
hear my cries
I feel I am dying.
Still need your touch
Forbidden, forgiven
forsaken,  alone.
Tears roll down
sunken cheeks
on pale face.
I hurt.
Decisions made
in moments haste
The last look
on your most
handsome face.
The past should
remain in the
corners of my
sub-conscious mind.
For they are
too painful
too  soiled
forgotten, lost.
I banished from my heart
these exhausted dreams
As only pieces
of my broken heart

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

No-body's Fool!

You don't understand,
I’m not as stong
as I may seem
While my heart breaks
I’m dangerous.
I can hear her laughing
in the back ground
One day she'll be wailing
 I won't be around.
I’m nobody's fool
What the hell
are you playing at?
Please don’t be
so cruel
Why can't you
come right out
and say it
I can take it.
This bed grew
so much larger
And now winter
feels so cold 
the smell of the rain
in the wind haunts me.
claws of betrayal 
have settled deep
into the ground
I wait
for footsteps
to enter
this house
has no sound.
spread like wild fire
So then tell me
what's her name?
I know that you
will not return.
It was written
in her love letters
that I found
All placed together
scarlet ribbon bound.

Bloody Valentine!

or did I?
Was I already awake?
It was morning
it may have been morning!
Unable to tell 
how long I’d been sleeping
What you left 
was not worth keeping.
I couldn’t move
my body numb
Black and blue 
from your fist kiss
How much love
to bash in my head?
Another day
I’ll have to hide in bed
My face hurts
so swollen
I think my jaw
is broken.
No-one can see me 
in this state
They’ll misread your love
as pure hate.
you are different 
so gentle,
so kind.
You beg for forgiveness
and promise 
last time.
You’re so remorseful
with tears 
in your eyes.
Just like the last time
I believe your lies.
Yet, this time is different
quite different
you see.
When you leave.
go off to work today
I'll take my reprieve. 
The only solution  
a sacrifice
I'll take my own life.
To save myself
and no longer
your wife!

Monday, 30 January 2012


I think I’ll start again
I feel this life is broken
Enough of all this pain
Oh, so tough.
I want a clean slate
Erasing all past memoirs
They haunt me anyway
So what is the f**king point?
Sailing through this life
All mystery and mayhem
Rebelling against the order
The one that castrates me.
It is hard to be a man
So sentimental and fluffy!
Not allowed to be
Soft and gentle and kind.
The others take the piss
They tense and taut and hurt me
All because I feel
I carry so much shame.
It’s hard to be a man
And fight for what I believe in
When all I want to be
Is treated just the same!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Butterflies and Moonbeams

In the dark
Waiting for the end.
My time
Spent concealed
In my cocoon of despair.
Wanting to feel
The sun
Upon my translucent skin.
Brightest colours
Big and bold
One day, I’ll begin.
Every caterpillar
Has a chance
To be the butterfly.
So I’m told
Therefore I wait
In coldest days
Till I shall fly.
Until my wings
Of gold unfold
I dream of moonbeams in the sky.
The ugly caterpillar
I may be
Until my cast does break.
Then I will shine
Yes, I shall be
The butterfly, awake!
The end!

Saturday, 14 January 2012


She was dying to be held
My God
she felt so lonely.
Too embarrassed
to explain
The reasons for her pain.
Bruised and batted
Dress all torn
With echo’s of “If only”.
Sorry state
For all to see
She sat there all alone.
“I told you so”, her mother’s voice
Running round inside her head
Another victim
another saga.
A disapproving frown
She asked for it
now surely
as if she were a whore
Chitter, chatter
so accusing.
Voices bring her down
How dare they say
It was her fault
Regardless of consequence.
Instead of blaming her
They should be 
on her defense
“NO is NO”, 
and that’s a fact
Despite any circumstance.
If a female
can’t refuse a man
None of us
will stand a chance!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Childhood, unspoken!

No-one talks
About my painful past
Those dreadful things
That happened in my life.
Those very things that haunt me
Preventing me from slumber, at night
The reason I don’t have a voice
Been silent for so long.
Shut-up in my hellish daze
Locked into your incestuous ways.
Prohibited from uttering a word
Reprimanded for being absurd.
No-one hears the children’s cries
Dismissed as fabrication
Just a pack of lies.
Why can’t people talk of pain
I didn’t stand a chance.
Frightful disclosure
Ice-cold frightful glance.
Whisper if I dare to
Inform you of my memory
Please listen, don’t judge.
NO, DON’T TUrn away from me
Rejection, so often my routine.
I needed courage
To talk about this life, obscene.
Go away!
Don’t question, what memories I hold.
Be quiet, no-one believes you,
So often, been told.