Monday, 30 January 2012


I think I’ll start again
I feel this life is broken
Enough of all this pain
Oh, so tough.
I want a clean slate
Erasing all past memoirs
They haunt me anyway
So what is the f**king point?
Sailing through this life
All mystery and mayhem
Rebelling against the order
The one that castrates me.
It is hard to be a man
So sentimental and fluffy!
Not allowed to be
Soft and gentle and kind.
The others take the piss
They tense and taut and hurt me
All because I feel
I carry so much shame.
It’s hard to be a man
And fight for what I believe in
When all I want to be
Is treated just the same!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Butterflies and Moonbeams

In the dark
Waiting for the end.
My time
Spent concealed
In my cocoon of despair.
Wanting to feel
The sun
Upon my translucent skin.
Brightest colours
Big and bold
One day, I’ll begin.
Every caterpillar
Has a chance
To be the butterfly.
So I’m told
Therefore I wait
In coldest days
Till I shall fly.
Until my wings
Of gold unfold
I dream of moonbeams in the sky.
The ugly caterpillar
I may be
Until my cast does break.
Then I will shine
Yes, I shall be
The butterfly, awake!
The end!

Saturday, 14 January 2012


She was dying to be held
My God
she felt so lonely.
Too embarrassed
to explain
The reasons for her pain.
Bruised and batted
Dress all torn
With echo’s of “If only”.
Sorry state
For all to see
She sat there all alone.
“I told you so”, her mother’s voice
Running round inside her head
Another victim
another saga.
A disapproving frown
She asked for it
now surely
as if she were a whore
Chitter, chatter
so accusing.
Voices bring her down
How dare they say
It was her fault
Regardless of consequence.
Instead of blaming her
They should be 
on her defense
“NO is NO”, 
and that’s a fact
Despite any circumstance.
If a female
can’t refuse a man
None of us
will stand a chance!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Childhood, unspoken!

No-one talks
About my painful past
Those dreadful things
That happened in my life.
Those very things that haunt me
Preventing me from slumber, at night
The reason I don’t have a voice
Been silent for so long.
Shut-up in my hellish daze
Locked into your incestuous ways.
Prohibited from uttering a word
Reprimanded for being absurd.
No-one hears the children’s cries
Dismissed as fabrication
Just a pack of lies.
Why can’t people talk of pain
I didn’t stand a chance.
Frightful disclosure
Ice-cold frightful glance.
Whisper if I dare to
Inform you of my memory
Please listen, don’t judge.
NO, DON’T TUrn away from me
Rejection, so often my routine.
I needed courage
To talk about this life, obscene.
Go away!
Don’t question, what memories I hold.
Be quiet, no-one believes you,
So often, been told.