Thursday, 2 July 2015

Loving Kindness and Compassion!

Awoke this morning
roof over my head
climbed out
my warm cosy bed
walk ten steps
to drink water clean
glanced out the window
at a world coloured green.
Opened the cupboard
found abundant food to eat
gave a thought
to the less fortunate
living on the street.
The lost and the lonely
full of empty hope
the desperate souls
who cannot longer cope.
To babies left crying
nothing to feed
then I recalled the government
along with the greed.
I ponded a moment
thought what to do
an epiphany appeared
we must unite
me and you.
We are all brothers and sisters
so why do we fight?
trying to prove
that we are all right!
Is it our self-righteous indignation
that gets in the way
we scream and we shout
with nothing to say.
The world has become
so hollow and cold
we not truly living
we just getting old.
I am powerless
to make an impact
here on my own
we are all the same soul
journeying back home.
Why do we insist on
living a false sense of being?
the way we treat each other
is frightfully obscene.
Start spreading the word
across these magnificent oceans
shake up our feeling of injustice
with all our wondrous emotions.
What will it take
for one soul to be heard?
to speak out for humanity
break to mould
move away from the herd.
I employ you my sisters
my brother too
what on this earth
are we going to do?
To change the way
we create such hate
loving kindness and compassion
before it is too late.

MedusaMoon C 2015