Wednesday 2 December 2015

Eating for Comfort

Pretty from a
the boys use
to taunt
thunder thighs
spoil the
outline of
my short
moon faces
do not capture
passing ships
at night
big girls
do not
go to the
they remain
the wall flowers
sat in front
of TV programmes
eating comfort
all on their own
starvation became
my solace
a friend who
caused the
tightness in
my gut
empty hunger
eating away
my stomach lining
felt equally
as good as
the jelly doughnut
I shallowed whole
that piece
of fried sweet
dough hardly
hit the pit
of my belly
melting cause
panic inside
all I can see
is fat thighs
through swollen
red eyes
remove the
cause of
my distress
by forcing fingers
deep down
removing contents
a powerful
feeling of being
in control
when all
around me
counting calories
grams of fat
every item of
food is known
by the amount
of pain
it may cause
or how
many hours
punishing out
the loneliness
in the gym
desperately wanting
to be thin
magazine pages
super models
such glory
forcing myself
to appear as hollow
killing off the
hollowness I hold
deep inside
nurture unbeknown
is the only
theme I know
countless moments
disillusion hopefulness
that my thinness
would feed me
the esteem
that fell down
at me feet
as the echo of
“Hey Fatty”
still rings
within my
empty soul!

MM c2015

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